Monday, July 2, 2012

Counseling at a hair transplant centre, is it all that essential?

Men and women visiting a hair restoration centre or clinic have many different motives for desiring hair restoration. Whatever the motive, the decision to undertake hair restoration surgery should be an educated one before any desperate patient becomes an easy game for the unscrupulous hair transplant surgeon paying on fears and panic of his patients for immediate financial gain.

A patient’s education and counseling in a hair restoration clinic or center helps him or her to be the realistic about the outcomes of hair transplantation surgery and cooperate with the hair restoration surgeon for designing the hair line or deciding the future course of the surgeries.

Along with the patient’s education, his or her psychology is also an important aspect of hair restoration surgery. A patient should never expect miracles from the hair restoration surgery but only that which is actually possible as briefed by the hair restoration surgeon.

Any article on counseling would not be complete without a discussion of the factors that lead to a patient’s dissatisfaction with the outcome of hair transplant surgery. The dissatisfaction rate among the patients undergoing surgical hair restoration is approximately 2%, even in the best hair restoration clinics.

With the slick, overstated advertising of modern hair restoration techniques and the high surgical fee charged by hair restoration surgeons t is very natural for the patient to expect too much from a hair transplant surgeon. Encouraged by aggressive litigation lawyers, the patients can even go to the extent of suing the hair transplant surgeon.

Though most patient does not go to the extent of suing, more often they grumble about the postoperative pain, lack of graft hair density and threaten the hair transplant surgeon.

A pre-operative counseling session at the hair restoration clinic definitely helps in reducing the disappointment rate with their hair restoration surgery. The prospective hair restoration patient needs to understand the difference between the results that can realistically be produced and the results they wish for.

No matter how careful and ethical the operating hair restoration surgeon is, there is a small group of patients who are very difficult to satisfy. Although no patient can ever be completely happy even with best of results, some patients due to their subverted psychology are much more difficult to please!

Experience has shown that young men aged 18-28 years have a higher dissatisfaction rate than men in older age groups. Their emotional immaturity plays a major role in this regard. Such men may have psychiatric problems, but a good hair restoration surgeon understands and never deprives these patients of the undoubted benefits of hair restoration surgery by a blunt denial. Instead they will do all sort of cajoling to agree them and be realistic about the outcomes.

Perhaps the greatest challenges sometimes do not lie in the actual hair transplantation procedures, but in the counseling process itself. And getting the patient, especially the young patient (at high risk of developing more advanced baldness in the future) willingly agreeing to undergo a conservative hair restoration is like wining half the battle! If a young bald person insists upon a hairline like other peers of his age, he is perhaps demanding something unnatural without any consideration for his future hair loss. And in such cases it all depends upon the counselor to convince the young person to understand that though some hair restoration possible it cannot give him the exact look he expects from the surgery.

Similarly, the counseling session with the patient for designing of his or her hair line also helps the hair transplant surgeon. Considerations of the individual patient’s facial structure, expectations, and hair quality are a must. But, though the quantity and quality of hair varies, the concepts of hair transplant surgery remain the same for every hair transplant surgery performed. By creative planning, judicious use of available donor hair and aesthetic and strategic placing of hair follicle grafts, a hair transplant surgeon can do much for the patient’s expectations!

If you have already made a decision to undergo a hair transplant surgery, find time to read through the web pages of to make a well informed decision.

Baldness is inherited from both parents

The prevailing wisdom used to be that baldness came from the mother's side of the family. But medical experts now agree that both sides of the family can influence the tendency toward baldness.

Since baldness is a pretty common problem, it's hard to find families with members who aren't bald and it's hard to trace the source.

It all comes down to the luck of the genetic draw, and you can no longer simply blame Mom's dad for your hair loss.

Excessive read meat consumption causes hair loss

Men need to note that excessive red meat consumption can result in hair loss.

This was proved by a Japanese study that showed that the pre World War II diet of lean fish, tofu and lots of greens resulted in healthy heads of hair for Japanese men, but ever since they switched to modern meals of heavy meat, they have begun to lose their hair.

Identifying Your Hair Type

Everyone's hair reacts differently to different products and environment, but hair of the same type generally responds in similar ways. There are two especially popular systems of classification; Andre Walker's classification system and Fia's Hair Typing System.

Walker's system is geared specifically toward African-descended hair types, so this is based on finding your hair type using Fia's Hair Typing System because it applies to everyone who has hair regardless of heritage. There are three main classifiers for hair type that tell the amount of wave or curl, the thickness of each individual strand, and the thickness of all the hair put together. If you find someone who matches you on all these classifiers, you've found a valuable "hair twin" whose experiences can help you determine how your hair will respond to various elements. 

The First Hair Type Classifier
The first classifier determines how much body wave or curl your hair has. To determine this, take a shower and then allow your hair to air dry flat (not in a towel or styled in any way). Once dry, take a close look at your hair. Is it absolutely flat and straight? You're a 1a. If there's a little bit of body to it but no discernible wave, 1b; two or three slight waves but still straight overall, 1c; has some loose waves, 2a; fairly distinct waves, 2b; very distinct waves, possibly with a few spiral curls, 2c; lots of loose spiral curls, 3a; tighter, bouncy curls, 3b; really tight spiral curls all over, 3c; tight S-curls, 4a; really tight S-curls falling in odd, zigzag patterns, 4b.

Now you know the first part of your hair type. Some people fall between the classifying categories and that's fine, it just means that your hair will be defined by both categories that describe it. For instance, if you have some body to your hair but only one visible wave, you're a 1b/1c. The third classifier is the only one that can not have split categories.

The Second Hair Type Classifier
The second classifier denotes the thickness of individual strands of your hair. Take a single strand of your hair, make sure it's clean (if it's been through a brush or comb it might not be) or the type may be skewed. Fine hair is barely visible if you hold it in front of your eyes, hardly shows up against a contrasting background and can barely be felt if you roll it between two fingers. Medium hair is easily visible, easily felt between the fingers, but still feels will feel similar to cotton thread when you roll it. Course hair is thicker, much easier to see against a background and may feel wiry but rarely ever slippery.

The Final Hair Type Classifier
The third and final classifier determines the overall thickness of your entire head of hair. This one is very difficult to measure if your hair is too short to gather into a ponytail, though a guess can be made by how thick your hair is against the scalp. If it's long enough, gather all your hair into a ponytail and measure around the circumference. Thin hair, or i, measures less than two inches around. Normal hair, ii, measures between two and four inches. Thick hair, iii, is anything measuring over four inches around.

Take all the classifiers together, and you have your hair type. It will look something like 1c/F/iii (substituting your own categories) when you're finished. You can now compare your hair to others using hair type as a reference; some websites also sell hair products based on hair type, so keep this as a handy reference so you can always know what kind of hair is being referred to.

How To Stop and Control Split Ends

Split ends are nasty problems that can seem impossible to get rid of; no matter how many trims you get or how careful you are with your hair they just never seem to go away! The truth is, just about any kind of damage your hair is subjected to will result in split ends, so it'll take all the preventative measures you can possibly manage.

First, an assessment of your hair's overall health must be made. If you use hair care products with silicone-based ingredients (the ones ending in "cone") you may need to discontinue use and find something without them for a couple of months or clarify with a diluted vinegar rinse to wash the coating out of your hair and see what kind of condition your hair is really in. Splits occur more easily if the hair is deprived of either moisture, protein, or both. Silicone-based ingredients coat the hair and can make it look healthy and shiny, while sealing the hair shaft away from moisture and making it even unhealthier.

Avoiding Nutritional Hair Imbalances
Do a "strand test". With a strand of wet hair held firmly between your fingers (it can be a shed hair from your comb), pull the hair slowly and gently in both directions. If the hair breaks immediately, it needs moisture. A hair that stretches over 30% of the original length without breaking and does not return to its original shape when released needs protein. Healthy hair will stretch about 30% longer than its original length then pull back into approximately the same shape it started in. There are all sorts of oils and proteins you can use to correct these imbalances, your hair type will determine exactly which ones you use. One favorite for a wide range of hair types specifically trying to eliminate split ends is an infusion of catnip poured on the hair then rinsed out in the shower.

Once nutritional imbalances have been corrected it's time to go on to other causes. Often, problems with splits are made even worse without the proper maintenance. It's much easier for an already-split hair to split even further and snag on other hairs and cause them to split. If the ends of your hair tangle easily and/or you can see lots of splits, a micro-trim can help that problem. These trims only take about 1/4" off the bottom of the hair and are for the sole purpose of removing some of the most troublesome split ends.

Splits occur more easily if the hair is deprived of either moisture, protein, or both.
Finding splits in-between trims? Trimming individual hairs, or "dusting", will help curtail the problem; dusting should be done with a pair of very sharp hair cutting scissors that are used for no other purpose. Dull scissors can crush the end of the hair at the cut, effectively creating a new split where it just removed one. If your hair is too short to hold in front of your eyes, you'll probably have to have someone help you with this task or attempt to do it in front of a mirror. The easiest way to pinpoint splits is to take a small section of hair, gently twist it into a loose rope, and trim off the ends that pop up.

Identifying Mechanical Hair Damage
So now your hair is nutritionally balanced and you're doing everything you can to remove splits...but they keep coming back? Mechanical damage of all sorts may be afflicting your beloved strands. Pay attention throughout your daily activities. Does your hair rub against the back of the seat in the car? Against your office chair? Your clothes? All of these can cause tons of damage all along the length. It surprises many people to know that the most damaging thing in your everyday life could actually be your pillowcase. Cotton pillowcases are rough on the hair, even more damaging than cotton clothes because the hair is rubbing against it - possibly with a head on top of it - all night long. Satin pillowcases are a favorite of hair-conscious individuals...and they're really comfortable too!

Finally, avoid harsh chemicals, excessive heat, alcohol and other things that can dry out your hair. Be sure to keep well-hydrated and try to avoid subjecting the hair to excessive direct sunlight. It may take a long time to catch all the splits in badly damaged hair and it may seem impossible at times, but if you take some steps to improve and protect your hair you will eventually see some stunning results.

How To Add A Great Shine To Your Hair

Want great shine? Even perfectly healthy hair can get dull without a little extra something, especially if you do not use shampoo with silicone-based ingredients as these are made to promote shine, however they also result in a multitude of other hair care issues if you don't know how to use them.

There are so many better ways to get that gorgeous shine that will really make your hair "pop". For this article we're going to assume that your hair is already healthy and just needs the shine added back in, if this is not the case you may want to research the different ways you can improve your hair's health through dietary supplements and adding moisture and protein as well as cutting out "hair care" routines that damage the hair.

Common Problems That Prevent Hair Shine
When the cuticle (outside layer of the hair shaft) does not lie down flat, it can cause dullness and a course texture. This is a very simple one to fix, just rinse your hair in cold water when you're finished washing to make the cuticle lie flat. It's the same as closing the pores in your skin and will also help keep the hair from getting damaged from gunk or snagging.

The next problem that generally affects your hair's shine is buildup. This can be buildup from hair products, environmental factors such as smoke or smog, or just plain stubborn dirt and gunk. Many people who use only conditioner and no shampoo often have some dullness problems because there are no harsh detergents stripping everything out of the, you don't have to go back to the shampoo!

Steps For Natural Hair Shine
About 1tsp of apple cider vinegar diluted in 12ozs of water makes a great finishing rinse. When you've already washed and conditioned and have washed those hair products out, pour this dilution through your hair then rinse it in cold water. Now we're talking SHINE!

Some of the favorite hair shining oils are jojoba, coconut, olive, grapeseed and even broccoli seed oil.
A few drops of essential oil can smooth the hair out, help prevent tangles, and really bring out the shine. Just apply a couple of drops to your palms, rub your hands together and then finger-comb through your hair (it should be groomed with a high-quality wide-tooth comb first). If your hair is wet and you have never used oil before, stick with just a couple of drops until you know if your hair will need more or not - it may not feel like much, but it only takes a tiny bit to coat lots of hair. If dry it will be much easier to tell how your hair is reacting to each amount of oil, just bear in mind that what you see is what you get, this stuff doesn't do any drying or anything so make sure you continue spreading the oil thinner until you get the look you want. Some of the favorite hair shining oils are jojoba, coconut, olive, grapeseed and even broccoli seed oil.

Additional Hair Shine Secrets
Honey is another big favorite in the shining arena. Typically, you'll want to add a couple drops of honey to a bottle of conditioner. Shake vigorously to make sure the honey is dispersed throughout the conditioner, then condition as normal. Honey also takes a big role in deep moisture treatments or super conditioning treatments.

You might also try taking silica along with your normal daily supplements as this is known to decrease hair loss and promote shine. If none of these suggestions work for you, there may be some other problems that need to be addressed that could be affecting your hair's ability to shine. Some hair, namely coarse hair or that found in people of African descent, is simply not meant to shine...instead, these types of hair should have a nice velvety sheen to them.

How To Wash Your Hair Properly

It seems like the right way to wash hair should be pretty get it wet, shampoo, rinse, condition, rinse, wring it out and dry. Right? Well, not exactly...or, rather, there's a bit more to it than that.

Combing Your Hair
First, comb your hair thoroughly before bathing; wet hair is more delicate than dry so you have less chance of causing damage if tangles are removed beforehand. Next, heat can severely damage the hair. While hot water isn't nearly as damaging as a blow dryer or direct sun, it still takes a toll on the hair. To avoid this, adjust the water until it is pleasantly warm and no warmer. Steaming hot showers feel great and can certainly be indulged in, but it's best if your hair is left out of the direct path of this very hot water so consider cooling it down a little while washing.

Shampooing Your Hair
Next, take into account what type of hair you have before shampooing. If your scalp is oily but the length is dry, don't directly shampoo the entire length. Instead, get a good lather going and then apply shampoo to the oily part of the scalp only, then rinse. The shampoo flowing down the length when rinsed will be plenty to remove surface dirt. Do not fold your hair up and "scrub" it with the shampoo as this can cause a lot of tangling and damage. Let the hair lay flat as much as possible throughout the wash.

Conditioning Your Hair
To condition, start from the ends and work your way up. Make sure the ends, which are more prone to damage than any other part of the hair, get a generous amount of conditioner. Gently massage the product into the length of the hair, but only brush a little bit on the scalp area if you have trouble with an oily scalp. Let it sit for 1-3 minutes, then rinse. If you'd like to bring out the shine in your hair a little more, rinse it in cold water; cold water helps the cuticle (the scaly outer layer of the hair strand) lay flat.

Drying Your Hair
Now it's time to dry your hair. Twisting the length into a rope and wringing the excess water out of it can stretch the hair, weakening and breaking individual hairs. Instead, you can grip the length near your head and work your way down, gently squeezing the water out.

Towels are not meant to rub the water out of hair, and rubbing against the hair can cause severe tangling as well as catch hairs and pull them out. For best results, gently press the hair in between two parts of the towel to draw even more water out.

Let the hair lay flat as much as possible throughout the wash.

If you use a leave-in conditioner, this is the time to apply it. If the package instructs you to comb your hair to disperse the conditioner, be sure to start at the ends and use caution when combing. Wet hair stretches very easily so snagging on tangles is likely to cause damage. Brushes are generally damaging even under the best conditions and should never be used on wet hair.

We've discussed the damage heat can do, so if you use a blow dryer take extreme care with it and do some research on ways to reduce the damage. Bear in mind that no matter what method you use or what kind of heat protection you apply to your hair, it will sustain some damage with a blow dryer.

Finally, hair does not necessarily need to be washed every day. Washing with shampoo too often can strip the hair of the oils it needs for good health; often a rinse or light conditioning by itself is plenty to keep hair looking great in-between shampoos. Alternatively, if you desire a little more detergent power you can dilute shampoo in a small bottle of warm water and squirt it on your scalp for a light cleaning.

Male Pattern Baldness Treatments: Do They Really Work?

The statistics are quite staggering, by the time they reach the age of 50, 50% of the worlds’ male population are affected by male pattern baldness. Many men just accept this and get on with life, but more men are learning about the newly affordable male pattern baldness treatments and want to keep their crowning glory. These new treatments started becoming available over fifteen years ago, but unless you were quite well off cost was always a major prohibiting factor (John Travolta was reported as spending around $1000 a month for his treatment). Now prices are down to a level where most people can afford high quality treatments and if started early enough there is no reason why you should ever go bald. Having said that it should be made clear that there are still no miracle cures, if you are now completely bald there is still very little that can be done apart from wearing a hairpiece. But treatments can be very effective in re-growing hair for some people. It is a matter of learning what is possible and setting your expectations accordingly. There are a few things you should know before seeking a particular type of treatment. It is firstly important to understand why male pattern baldness occurs and how it develops before deciding which of the currently available treatments is right for you.

Why Hair Loss Occurs

Male pattern hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia is a genetically predetermined condition. The main contributing factor for causing it is the male hormone testosterone, hence this is why few females suffer from the condition and why castrated males never go bald. But testosterone does not directly cause hair loss, it interacts with an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase to produce the real culprit, a derived hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is widely acknowledged to be the main cause of hair loss in men. Men lucky enough not to go bald have hair that is resistant to the effects of DHT.

Topical Application

Now that it is known what causes male pattern baldness many hair loss shampoos have been developed specifically to remove DHT from the scalp. These types of products are deep cleansing agents known as DHT blockers and have been used effectively to stop further hair loss and provide the optimum conditions to stimulate new hair growth. You may have heard of Minoxidil male pattern baldness treatment, this is not a DHT blocker, it is thought to work by directly stimulating cell growth in the hair follicle thereby giving it a resistance to DHT. The results though are the same and because they work differently, Minoxidil and DHT blockers can be used together for an even more effective hair loss treatment.

Internal Drugs

One of the most effective oral medications for treating hair loss was discovered accidentally when developing a cure for enlarged prostate gland in men. This drug was finasteride and it was found that in low doses finasteride was effective in preventing of male pattern baldness. It is now one of very few drugs with FDA approval for the prevention and treatment of male pattern baldness and only available on prescription.

As a natural alternative to Finasteride, a herb called Saw Palmetto is often claimed to be able to reduce DHT and therefore prevent male pattern balding. There are now many natural male pattern baldness treatments that contain saw palmetto and while only small scale clinical trials have been conducted results have been positive.


As a last resort hair transplantation may be the only option for men with a bald patch greater than about ten centimetres (4 inches). This generally involves removing a doner strip of scalp from the neck area and grafting doner follicles to the bald patch. Scalp reduction is another surgical procedure where the bald scalp area is removed altogether with the remaining scalp skin pulled together. While this may seem quite drastic it can be a quite effective procedure in removing small bald patches


For many men baldness is accepted as part of the aging process and they adapt gracefully to their new look. But with many new male pattern baldness treatments available, men now have a choice in preventing hair loss altogether if they act early enough. The treatment is often needed for life but for many men that could be one of the best investments they ever make!

Tips for Growing Long Hair

If you are what tips for growing long hair then this article is meant for you. No special products are required to grow hair. Vitamins help in some instances and overall diet is a consideration. There are a number of steps that can be taken to avoid damage.

In general, however, there are more things not to do to grow hair, make quicker progress with the growth, and keep your hair healthy than there are things to do.

Anyone interested in growing long hair, especially at extreme lengths, should be aware that hair has a genetic terminal length. This realization comes with a simple answer to the question, How does hair grow? Hair is a shaft of protein, essentially keratin that pushes outward from follicles in the skin. Only the follicle itself is alive. The hair shaft is dead protein.

The normal rate to grow hair in humans is half an inch a month and the average human has approximately 100,000 hairs on their head. A single hair, in the absence of damage, can live four to five years before falling out and being replaced by a new hair.

Given those growth figures, a single hair would be anywhere from two feet to two and a half feet long by the end of its life. Many people, however, are able to grow their hair to lengths that hang below their knees. It's all a matter of genetics. Your hair cannot grow longer than your genetic make-up and the resulting programming of the follicles will allow. There's nothing you can do about that.

Long Hair Growing Tips: Do's and Don'ts

So, what are the things you can do to grow longer hair faster? The basic tips involve diet and nutrition, life habits, methods of hair care, and product selection. Above all, steps should be taken to prevent damage, extreme dryness, and breaking of the hair. Your hair must be healthy when you begin to grow it out and you must maintain that health at all times.

Nutrition and Supplements

Avoid crash diets. They stress the body and the effects appear in all the body's systems. Remember that hair is nothing more than a-keratin protein (90% with the remaining 10% being water.) A low protein diet can cause the hair to thin and will certainly slow its growth.

If you are in a phase of actively trying to grow out your hair, you may want to supplement your protein intake with liver. Some nutritional experts also recommend brewer's yeast, wheat germ, and granulated lecithin to help your body process the protein. Visit your local health food store and ask to speak to a counselor who will help you make good choices about diet and the use of supplements. When you are trying to grow hair, vitamins help.

In fact, thanks to the poor quality of the modern diet, everyone can benefit from a daily multi-vitamin, mineral supplement. The B and E vitamins are good for your hair as are zinc, sulfur, and magnesium. Also make sure your multi-vitamin includes biotin. To get more B vitamins from your diet, eat beans, peas, carrots, cauliflower, soybeans, bran, nuts, and eggs. Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil contain the E vitamins.

Avoid foods that are greasy and fatty. They will disrupt your digestive system and potentially make your scalp and hair more oily. Minimize your intake of salt as it will raise your blood pressure and affect blood circulation in your scalp. (Male pattern baldness has been linked to high blood pressure.) Avoid pre-processed foods that are full of chemical additives and fast foods. A well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables that is also high in protein is your best ally in your quest to grow long, beautiful hair.


The physical stresses on your hair are also an important consideration. Only use brushes with natural boar bristles and choose wide-toothed combs. Both are good at distributing the natural oils in your skin from the scalp down to the ends of your hair.

Throughout the day use your comb to prevent tangles in your hair. If tangles do occur, work at them in small sections starting at the end of the hair and working your way up. Never back comb or tease your hair. Always work in downward, even strokes. If a tiny knot simply will not work out, it is best to cut it out.

Before you shampoo, comb or brush your hair to remove loose hairs and to straighten out tangles. If your hair has a tendency to be dry, the old tried and true daily brushing with one hundred strokes will help as it is a technique to distribute oils from your scalp down the length of your hair.

Split Ends

With long hair, damage travels up from the ends. Trim your hair often. If you have reached the desired length and are in a maintenance stage, take off half an inch a month. If you are still growing your hair out, remove half an inch every three or four months.

In between those major trims, sit in a bright light and examine your hair for split ends. (When a split end develops, the hair literally unravels and will look frizzy.) Use just the tips of sharp scissors to remove the damaged end of the individual hair. Hair with this kind of damage breaks easily and much more length will be lost in that fashion than in simply monitoring and snipping your split ends.

Stresses to the Hair

The natural tossing and turning of sleep will create damaging friction against your hair if you sleep with it down. Use a satin pillow case and put your hair in a loose braid or in a soft sleep cap.

Heated appliances like blow dryers, hot rollers, curling irons, flat irons, and crimpers are strictly forbidden. No steaming hot showers and no vigorous rubbing of your hair with a towel. All of these things place major stress and friction on your hair. The heated items will dry out your hair and make it more brittle and in some instance place physical stress on the hair shafts by altering their shape. The same is true of overly hot water while shampooing and of the friction caused by vigorous rubbing with a towel.

Consideration should also be given as to the wisdom of using hair fasteners. Never use rubber bands because they tear at the hair when removed and damage the outer cuticle layer which makes the hair more susceptible to tangling. Anything with rough or sharp edges and hinges in which the hair can become caught is a bad idea as are items with Velcro and springs. Soft scrunchies and chopstick-like "hair sticks" are much better choices.

Avoid tight braids and pony tails. When you pull your hair to achieve these styles you are placing stress at the roots that are already bearing the weight of your long hair. Anything you do that causes hair to fall out or to be pulled out should be stopped immediately and not repeated. Check out more expert tips to grow long hair in the next part of this article.

Vitamins Boost Hair Growth

Research has shown that black hair needs special care. The way that this type of hair is treated and needs to be cut is different from other types of hair and there is a growing market of special hair care products developed specifically for those with so-called black hair. An experienced international developer of hair care products called SalonWeb has now developed a range of non-damaging professional specialist hair care products called Fast Grow. The company has developed food supplements that can help to fortify black hair from inside the body. This type of product is seen as revolutionary on the market.

We all know that we can get strong and shiny hair by using the right shampoos and conditioners. Vitamins and minerals in hair care products are supposed to help repair and build healthy hair. According to Salonweb the way we eat and the products that we eat affect the condition and health of our hair greatly. The company has released a hair growth supplement onto the market. This dietary supplement has been formulated especially to provide the hair and body with body with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that we need to grow healthy looking hair.

This new product is usually referred to by the company as the fast growth hair vitamin. One customer has claimed that taking the supplement has made her hair grow 3 inches in two months and the condition of the hair has improved greatly. The product is said to make hair smooth and manageable.

Natural Hair Care Tips and Natural Skin Care Tips

Time and again we have experimented with our skin and hair.
In every household there has been an agony aunt who guided you through the tough times with their hair and skin care secrets. But the truth remains to be seen is whether these treatment actually did create that magic which was needed. 

Many of us have no idea about the kind of hair we have. will help you to know what the different types of hair are and in category you belong too. Open the Pandoras Box of hair care recipes that would be of great help to keep the youth, bounce and shine of your hair.

A human being has different types of hair such as oily, dry and normal hair. Each type of hair needs to be given extra care with the natural hair care tips which find a mention in the site.

Not many of us know how important is hair conditioning. The different home care remedies may be tedious, but can get you results which are highly recommended. The reasons for extreme hair fall can be due to dandruff, improper hair care, being out in the sun for a long time and umpteen reasons if we sit and think about. Know about various hair care recipes to prevent such a catastrophe. There are tips on the dos and donts on taking care of hair which are bound to be useful at some point in life. 

Colouring your hair come at cost that can burn a hole in your pocket and hair. There are natural and herbal hair care colour products which are not harmful to your hair. Read through tips to keep in mind when colouring your hair at home. With different hair styles dazzling all around you it can be confusing to choose one for your self. Read the guidelines on our site on how to choose a hair style or cut according to your face structure and shape. Perming ones hair can be an alien affair if we think of doing it at home. But still there are measures by which we can do it at home and carry it off in a very suave manner which would surprise many of your friends.

Read our skin care tips and skin care information for various skin types
Before trying any experiment on your own skin, proper knowledge about their skin type, etc is a must. By testing at home you can find out which type of skin is yours. Some have dry, oily, and patchy skins for which there are different methods to ward off their long lasting affects. For the different age groups there are various different ways of caring for your skin. The skin care information when used in the proper manner will get glowing results. You can have home-made skin care products which are easy to make and use. Read up on valuable skin care tips to battle any skin problems like acne to get that healthy and beautiful skin.
Proper route to having radiant and beautiful skin is by knowing what is right for your own skin type. Know about oily skin care, dry skin care tips and tips on how to improve your skin complexion and structure from our box of skin care tips. Not taking proper skin care can cause lot of damage to your skin. Using face packs and masks helps to regain the hidden lost charm of your skin. Hormonal changes cause acne and there are different ways to tackle such problems. Know how to distinguish between the myths and facts before embarking on this journey of PROJECT SKIN. Pigmentation is also a major problem for many which can be dealt with proper skin care information. 

Different seasons leave a mark on the skin. With the beginning of every new season one should be ready to tend to the oily skin as well as dry skin. Using the proper sunscreen can be one way to ward of the scorching heat. Read our skin care tips that will prove beneficial to one and all. A brush up on your make-up skills could be an important guidepost towards knowing your face and knowing what to apply on your face. It is said that body is your temple and one should worship it. Taking care of your body is part of the worship. For every part of body which seems neglected you can make it perfect by some slight changes in ones lifestyle.

Managing your Hair

Caring for hair is pretty much the same as caring for your skin.
A successful hair care discipline includes cleansing, toning and conditioning routines done with sacred regularity. The routine aims at getting rid of the excess oil and to exfoliate skin cells that block and smother hair follicles in your scalp. Emphasis, however, is laid on cleansing and toning routines.
Since your hair needs to be washed as often as it gets dirty and oily, a natural shampoo on a formulation of herbs is very effective.

It is important to massage hair and scalp. This is both for the well being of your hair as well as good hair growth. For dry hair we strongly recommend scalp massaging with oil, while for oily hair massaging with toning lotion is suitable.

Using a soft brush, brushing is less harmful than combing. However, a firm brush can cause more damage to your hair than a comb would. Likewise, prolonged brushing also harms your hair a lot. Back combing also spoils your hair. Besides, causing knotting that is tough to untangle, it ruffles the scales of the cuticles. In the same way, never comb or brush wet hair. This only causes further damage to the hair. A good comb ought, necessarily, to have rounded and not sharp teeth. Nylon brushes with spiky ends can also damage your hair.
Then again, do you ever feel like covering your hair with a big frumpy hat? In that case, here are a few steps that are sure to make your hair shine and glisten. All, without the weigh down and a tip for in between coloring.
  • In between coloring, hairsprays your roots, then apply light eye-shadow to it; it works.

  • Don't make the mistake of washing your hair daily. If you do, stop; it will pay off.

  • While washing, shampoo twice in a row, then condition your hair. You will notice it get fuller and bouncier than before.

  • Brush your hair from the bottom tips moving upward towards the roots. Brush in downward strokes, as this will remove split ends leaving your hair healthier.

Non-Surgical Hair Replacement

Non-Surgical Hair Replacement

As medical treatments for alopecia improve and develop, it should come as no surprise to see that other options are becoming more technically advanced too. To many people, ‘non-surgical hair replacement’ is simply a euphemism for wigs, toupes and hair pieces. But that is an out-of-date view. Non-surgical hair replacement techniques have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. For many men, they now offer the most appropriate solution to male-pattern baldness.
In this article, we will take a more detailed look at non-surgical hair replacement. We will provide more information about the treatment and the procedure and consider the kinds of scenarios where it may be appropriate. We will also look at the disadvantages, and why some men may prefer surgical hair transplants to non-surgical techniques.

What is non-surgical hair replacement?

If you still think that non-surgical hair replacement means wearing a wig, think again. Today’s techniques create a result that is far more subtle, far more comfortable, far more natural and fair easier to live with.
Non-surgical hair replacement involves applying a thin, light, transparent membrane to the scalp, which is infused with human hair. This membrane is then attached to the scalp and woven in with the existing hair, to create a very natural effect.
This approach allows the hair in the membrane to be matched perfectly with the existing hair, in terms of colour, density and direction. Similarly, because the membrane is attached to the scalp using the very latest bonding materials, you can wear it with confidence, even while playing sport.

What does the treatment involve?

Most non-surgical hair replacement begins with an initial design consultation. This design consultation ensures that the product is tailored to sit naturally with your existing hair, colour and style.
From design to completion of a bespoke product normally takes about a couple of months. You can purchase products that are not bespoke and already prepared, so that they are cheaper and more readily available. But what you save in time, you compromise on in quality, workmanship and precision.
Once the design stage is completed, there are two more key elements in the procedure. Firstly, there is the membrane. There are currently a number of different types of membrane available on the market, but the most recognised types are monofilament, polyurethane and lace. If you are considering non-surgical hair replacement therapy, you should expect your practitioner to use one of these three types of membrane. Usually, the requirements of the user will enable your practitioner to recommend the most appropriate one. Monofilament is porous, so it suits people whose scalp needs to breath. Polyurethane is virtually invisible and very discrete. Finally, lace creates the most natural looking results and is often used to create the hairline or for the most visible areas of male-pattern baldness.
The second key element in the procedure is bonding the membrane to the scalp.  The latest, most sophisticated techniques bond the membrane to the scalp with an adhesive that is translucent and which will not be broken down by sweat or water. Some of your existing hair will need to be shaved away to allow the bond to stick directly to the scalp.

Why choose non-surgical hair replacement?

So why would you choose non-surgical hair replacement over other treatments for male-pattern baldness? The first and most obvious reason is that, for a lot of men, other routes such as using Minoxidil or Finasteride do not work. So if they cannot generate hair regrowth via medical routes, non-surgical hair replacement is their best option.
Of course, in these sorts of cases, non-surgical hair replacement is not their only option. They could try surgery. However, for many men who have male-pattern baldness, surgery is the last resort. One reason for this is that many people just do not want to have surgery unless it is absolutely necessary. Another reason is that surgery takes existing hair and moves it around your head. Therefore, the success of the surgery relies on having enough existing hair to be able to move some from the ‘donor area’. There is also the danger that, if you continue to lose hair in the future, you will need further surgery, which will once again diminish the hair in the donor area. Surgery therefore, is not a sustainable treatment.
Non-surgical hair replacement avoids these problems as it does not tamper with or remove the existing hair. For men try non-surgical hair transplants before surgery, so that they can evaluate the quality of the treatment before risking any of their existing hair. 

What are the disadvantages?

While non-surgical transplants suit many men, they do have some disadvantages. The main one of these is the fact that the product does require ongoing maintenance to ensure that the effect remains as natural as possible. If you need your hair cut, for example, you cannot just pay a quick visit to the barbers. You usually need to return to the hair replacement surgery, have the membrane removed and your existing hair trimmed. You may also then need the hair in the membrane restructured to compensate for any changes.
As you would expect, the membrane does wear out over time and will need to be replaced regularly. Depending on the type of product you choose, it can also require specialist care products.
All of these maintenance requirements add to the cost. So while non-surgical hair replacement may look attractive when you view it as a one-off cost, it is important to remember that it doesn’t end there. If you want to maintain the effect, you will have to keep on spending money.

How much does it cost?

As we’ve discussed, there are different types of hair replacement product available and which type you choose can affect the cost. Human hair is usually more expensive than synthetic versions. Similarly, certain types of membrane are more expensive than lower quality varieties. Finally, you can also expect to pay a premium for craftsmanship: good quality work takes time, but the more carefully the new hair is designed to fit with your existing hair, the better the result will be.
In most cases, the initial cost for non-surgical hair replacement is between £600 and £1000. You should always make sure that you arrange an initial consultation with a qualified professional, who will provide a clear treatment plan and costs in advance.

Tips for Hair Dying

People having the desire of trying out a new trendy and fashionable look or desiring to do away with their gray hair, dying is one of the most preferred options for achieving these desires.

If not used properly, dying hair can seriously affect your hair like cause it to become damaged or dried out. You should take care to opt for only such a dye color which blends with your hair's as well as eyebrow's original color. The dye color should also help in enhancing your features.

Getting your hair dyed from a professional stylist is the best path which can be followed but proper dying of hair at home will also yield the same creative results and it will be much cheaper too.

Hair dyes are available in many kinds such as:
Permanent Dyes:

Getting your hair dyed permanently is considered as a mistake in itself by some people. Permanent dyes last for huge amounts of time. These dyes are applied to the hair roots along with the growth of the hair. It contains peroxides and ammonia and hence the risk of your hair getting damaged or dried is present.

The color of these dyes fades away when the hairs are exposed to salt water or sun. Hence, a bandanna or a hat can be used for covering your hair when you would be going outside. This helps in maintaining the hair's color.

Long-Lasting Semi-Permanent Dyes:

These dyes last for the longest amount of time which can even exceed 20 washes. This fact is different for different brands.

Semi-Permanent Dyes:

These dyes usually last for very short amount of time. The color of these dyes starts fading away after the hair gets washed for about 6-12 times. These dyes are recommended for people experimenting with colors as well as for people using dyes for the first time.

Professional And Safe Way Of Dying Hair:

  • The hair is divided into two separate quadrants and each part is clipped.
  • Plastic gloves are used while the dye solution is mixed. The directions prescribed on the product box should be followed.
  • Apply thin color stripes over one entire quadrant and clip it.
  • Follow similar procedure for the other quadrant.
  • Leave the hair for some prescribed time.
  • Use cold water for rinsing the hair.
There is nothing wrong in experimenting with hair but frequent use of dyes may have rough consequences on the quality of hair. Hence, exercise proper care.

Home Remedies for Damaged Hair

If you're frugal and don't want to empty your life savings to find effective ways to implement damaged hair care at home, then you can try a number of home remedies for damaged hair. Home remedies for damaged hair won't produce the same results as a product scientifically formulated to repair damaged hair such as H2 Ion, but they do provide a quick fix. Below are some home remedies for damaged hair that can help rescue you from the embarrassment and frustration of damaged hair.
Natural Home Remedies for Damaged Hair
There are several natural home remedies for damaged hair which call for the use of products and items you likely already have around the house. Here are a few you can try.
Two very simple home remedies for damaged hair are the mayonnaise treatment or the honey & eggs combination. For the first, you just apply mayonnaise to your hair before bed. Keep your hair covered in mayonnaise all night and wash as usual in the morning. For the second treatment you simply mix eggs with honey and apply it to your hair. Leave it on for ten minutes and wash it off. Both of these are really quick home remedies for damaged hair that you can perform with little effort.

Egg Whites Damaged Hair Treatment
The egg whites treatment is the most involved of the home remedies for damaged hair outlined here. You begin by carefully cracking open one egg into a small bowl so that only the whites come out of the shell and the yolk remains inside. Whip the egg whites with a fork or whisk. Put the egg yolk into a blender with a little water and blend until smooth. Pour in the egg whites. Rinse your hair with hot water and apply the egg mixture. Massage the mixture into your hair and rinse with cold water. These are just a few home remedies for damaged hair. Keep in mind that these and other can't take the place of proven products, but they can provide a temporary solution until you find a product you can trust.