Monday, August 23, 2010

Caring for Oily Hair - Is it too Big a Struggle ?

If you have ever spent hours in the bathroom, blow drying and primping your hair, only to look in the mirror and realize that it looks like an oily blob, you probably threw down your comb in frustration, wondering what the causes of oily hair are. Perhaps you should try shampoo for oily hair. Or are there other oily hair remedies you should try. No matter how frustrated you are, rest in mind that there are solutions to oily hair!

Top Tips For Your Oily Hair

If you have oily hair there are many things you can do to control the problem, from fixing your diet to working with your hair care regimen. Here are some of the top tips for fixing greasy, oily hair.
Shampoo For Oily Hair
The best shampoo for oily hair is going to be a shampoo that is clear in color. The clearer the shampoo is, the less junk there is going to be in the shampoo to gum up you hair.
Frequent Washing
One cure for oily hair is frequent washing, provided you are using the right shampoo. Also, leave the shampoo touching your scalp for around five minutes. This is one of the common causes of oily hair-not leaving the shampoo on long enough. You can wash your hair every single day and not damage it when you are dealing with oily hair.
Avoid Conditioners
Conditioners are often not needed by those struggling with oily hair. If you have greasy hair, try skipping conditioner every other time you shampoo. If you need a conditioner for manageability, look for a conditioner that is low on oil, and remember that conditioning only the ends of your hair will often take care of the manageability issue, without adding oil to the scalp. Avoid putting conditioner near your scalp if you have oily hair.
Proper Diet
The oil in your hair is secreted by your sebaceous glands on your scalp, the glands that are located at the base of each shaft of hair. When you eat a diet high in fatty foods, these glands will over produce the oil causing your hair to be oily. Those struggling with oil in their hair should avoid it in their diets.

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